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Epidural Injury Lawyer

An epidural is there to help ease a woman’s pain levels as she moves through the labor and delivery process. However, careless doctors and nurses may not administer this drug correctly. As a result, the woman may develop an infection, experience nerve damage, or form a dangerous blood clot. Any of these severe complications can result in injury to the pregnant woman and her baby. 

For decades, dozens of individuals and families have trusted Snyder Law Group to help them pick up the pieces after a birth- or labor-related mistake uproots their lives. If you were hurt because a thoughtless doctor or nurse made an error when you were giving birth, an epidural injury lawyer on our team may be able to help you. The Baltimore birth injury lawyers at our family-owned and operated law firm take these cases very seriously.

What Are the Symptoms of a Bad Epidural?

As reported by the Cleveland Clinic, the symptoms of an improperly applied epidural may begin with sharp pain at the injection site. Other negative symptoms include developing osteomyelitis, a serious headache, losing control of your bladder or bowels, and dangerously low blood pressure. If something has gone wrong during the epidural injection process, you may also experience weakness, numbness, tingling, and other signs of nerve damage. 

What Happens if They Hit a Nerve During an Epidural?

If the provider hits a nerve while giving you an epidural, you may experience sudden sharp pain during or after the injection. Additionally, you may feel numbness or tingling in your legs or back. Another symptom is weakness before the epidural has kicked in or that lasts for longer than the epidural should be in your system. 

According to the National Library of Medicine, you may also experience involuntary legal movements and nerve pain if the doctors damage your spinal nerve root. When you start to show these symptoms, the doctors should remove the epidural needle and regroup to avoid further injuring you. 

If you think your medical team hit a nerve while giving you an epidural, consider contacting a Baltimore medical malpractice lawyer for legal help. They can assist you by researching your situation and figuring out if you meet the qualifications for a medical malpractice lawsuit. 

Can You Sue a Hospital for Nerve Damage From an Epidural?

If you suffered nerve damage because of the way your healthcare team gave you an epidural, Maryland law may allow you to file a claim against them. To have a chance of success, you need to be able to prove that your team’s actions fell below the standard of care required of them. 

For example, you might show that the team didn’t use sterilized equipment or the correct procedure when they gave you the epidural. Or you can show evidence and expert testimony to prove that the anesthesiologist gave you the incorrect amount of the medication or did so at the wrong time. 

An epidural injury attorney can help you by investigating your potential claim against the doctor, nurse, anesthesiologist, or hospital. They can gather the necessary evidence and talk to witnesses—such as a medical expert—to support your legal claim. 

Snyder Law Group: We Can Help You Recover Compensation for an Epidural Injury

When you go to the doctor to give birth, you expect all members of your delivery team to follow standard medical guidelines and try to keep you safe from harm. When they cut corners or ignore red flags—like a sharp pain or involuntary leg movement during an epidural injection—you may be able to hold them accountable in a court of law. Instead of trying to take on this responsibility by yourself, consider working with a battle-tested team who has the knowledge and tools to help you. 

With decades of experience fighting for victims of birth injuries, Snyder Law Group has what it takes to help you and your family seek justice. Since 2006, Scott Snyder has championed the rights of the injured through complex civil lawsuits and cases involving catastrophic losses.  Contact an epidural injury lawyer today by calling 410-755-5829 to discuss your concerns and how our team can help.

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