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Hit-and-Run Accident Lawyer

Car wrecks where a driver didn’t call the police or exchange information with the other driver can pose unique challenges. The driver who fled may face legal consequences, such as having to pay fines or serve a jail sentence. As a casualty, you may have to claim compensation through your uninsured motorist policy (if applicable). If you were in a crash where one of the drivers didn’t stay at the scene, consider working with a knowledgeable hit-and-run accident lawyer. 

Snyder Law Group has years of experience handling motor vehicle wreck claims throughout Maryland. Our car accident lawyers can help you by investigating the cause of the crash and trying to locate the other driver. Additionally, we can fight for you in court and during negotiations to encourage the others involved to award you a fair settlement.

What Should I Do After a Hit-and-Run Accident?

The first thing you should do after a hit-and-run crash is call the police to report the incident. Under Maryland law, drivers involved in a wreck that wounds or kills someone or causes property damage must notify law enforcement. If you are involved in an accident—e.g., as a driver, passenger, pedestrian, or bicyclist—telling the police about the crash may be in your best interest. You can use the police officer’s report to build a record of what happened. Additionally, talking to law enforcement protects you against the legal consequences of not fulfilling your reporting obligations. 

The next step you should take after a hit-and-run is to visit a hospital, healthcare center, or urgent care facility. Being seen shortly after the incident gives you a chance to identify what wounds you have and begin to treat those. Moreover, you can use your medical records to support a claim for damages—such as reimbursement for hospital costs—later on. 

You should also contact the insurance company that insured the vehicle you were in during the accident (if applicable). This kicks off the claims process and fulfills your reporting obligations under your insurance contract. Before you accept or reject a settlement offer from the insurance agency, you may benefit from talking to a personal injury attorney. They can review the proposal and let you know if signing it is in your best interests. 

What Is the Charge for a Hit-and-Run in Baltimore?

Those who hit someone and don’t report the crash or stay at the scene to help the injured get medical assistance may face steep consequences. Under Maryland law, the person may have to serve a jail sentence of up to two months or more and pay a $500 or more fine. If you’re facing hit-and-run charges, consider contacting a car accident lawyer who can provide timely and responsive legal help. 

What Is the Insurance Process for a Hit-and-Run in Maryland?

The insurance process for a hit-and-run crash in Maryland is a bit different than for situations in which the parties remain on the scene. You would still file a claim with your insurance provider—or the agency that insured the vehicle you were in at the time. 

The insurance company and the police may both try to investigate the wreck and identify the driver who caused it. If they are successful, the insurance company may file a claim with the other driver’s provider (if applicable). If they are unsuccessful, however, your uninsured or underinsured motorist policy may cover your damages. 

How To Report a Hit-and-Run in Maryland

You report a hit-and-run in Maryland by calling the police and providing as much information as you can about what happened. When communicating with law enforcement, it may be a good idea to keep the discussion limited to the bare facts necessary to explain what happened. Try not to make comments that are assumptions or could be taken as admitting fault. 

What Happens if You Hit a Parked Car in Maryland?

Under Maryland law, if you hit a parked or unattended car, you still need to stop at the scene of the crash. You should try to locate the vehicle owner and give them your information—such as your name, address, and registration number. If you can’t find the person who owns the car, the law may require you to write down your information and leave it somewhere the driver is likely to see it. For example, you could slip the note underneath a windshield wiper. 

What Happens if You Get Hit by Someone Without Insurance in Maryland?

If you get hit by someone who doesn’t have insurance, you can still submit a claim to your insurer. That said, because the other driver doesn’t have a policy of their own, you may not be able to get compensation from them through their insurance. Instead, you would file a claim with your own provider, and they might pay out based on your underinsured and uninsured motorist policy (if you have this). Then, your insurer might sue the at-fault driver directly to recover compensation. 

Should I Seek Legal Counsel for a Hit and Run in Baltimore?

If you were involved in a hit-and-run accident, seeking the advice of a seasoned attorney may be wise. Hit-and-run crashes involve added layers of complexity compared to other accidents. For example, if you’re a casualty, you may need assistance locating the at-fault driver. Additionally, you may need help submitting an insurance claim and getting a fair deal from your provider. 

If you didn’t stop at the scene where the wreck occurred, you may face legal consequences. An attorney can help you by crafting arguments to help limit the impact of this on your life and the claim’s outcome. 

Snyder Law Group: We Can Fight for You After a Hit-and-Run Crash

Being in a crash where you or the other driver didn’t stop can create a legally complex situation. You may worry about how you’re going to get compensation and whether you still can if you can’t locate the other driver. Fortunately, you may have the ability to seek legal damages through filing an insurance claim and suing in court. 

Since 2000, Snyder Law Group has served those injured in crashes throughout Baltimore and the surrounding areas. A past client described our team as “cordial, courteous and respectful through the whole process” of handling their accident claim. Reach out to our dedicated team today by calling 410-604-8749 to set up a free, no-obligation consultation. 


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