You should consider all of your options carefully when deciding whether to sue the party at fault for damages from a car accident.
A car accident is a very scary situation to be in. Though we hope that it never happens to us, we must be informed of our options if it does. If you are involved in a car accident that was not your fault, one of the decisions you need to make is whether or not you should sue the party at fault. This is not an easy choice to make and you should consider all your options carefully when trying to make up your mind. Here are some things you should take into consideration when trying to decide if you should sue after your car accident.
Insurance Companies
Car accidents are typically handled by the insurance companies of both parties. Though your insurance company is supposed to be looking out for your best interests, that is not always the case. Many of them will try to short you the compensation that you really deserve for your accident. They often try to settle in order to save themselves as much money as possible, so take this into consideration when making your decision. If they are giving you a fair amount for the damages, a lawsuit may not be necessary. If what they are trying to give you is not nearly enough, you may want to think about suing a little bit more.
Estimate Damages
It is very important to document everything when you are involved in a car accident. That way, if you do decide a lawsuit is appropriate, you will have all the evidence that you need. This will also help you to estimate the economical damages that have been made. This not only includes how much it costs to fix your car, but also any medical bills and missed work wages that came from your personal injuries. This will help you determine how much money you need to receive from your insurance company. Again, if the numbers do not add up, a lawsuit may be the best bet to get your full compensation.
Non-Economic Damages
There is more than just money involved when it comes to a car accident. It is a mental and emotionally taxing situation. This includes pain, suffering, emotional distress, and loss of family relations. You could even consider punitive damages if the party at fault acted unreasonably after the accident. Your insurance company is focused on the financial aspect of the situation so often times they are not going to compensate you for any emotional damages you may have suffered. You should consider how extensive the non-economic damages are when determining whether or not to sue.
Have You Been Involved In A Car Accident? Contact Snyder Law Group Today
The Snyder Law Group, LLC, proudly represents clients throughout Maryland and Washington, D.C. Our experienced Baltimore attorneys understand the frustration that comes with an insurance company, medical professional, or other party that refuses to accept liability for negligent or reckless behavior. You can take heart in knowing there are talented and experienced lawyers ready to work for you. We are experienced in handling personal injury claims of medical malpractice or injury resulting from serious car and truck accidents, and have secured hundreds of millions in verdicts settlements*. Please visit our website, www.410thefirm.com, for more information and follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Google +, and LinkedIn.